Sunday, January 30, 2005

What were Jesus' motivations in the Temple scene?

We asked today in class why Jesus was not thrown out or arrested for his actions in the Temple? I found some information here. This article refers to the Temple scene as written in Mark 11:15–19.

We find more evidence of the precedent of merchants in the temple in other historical work. More can be found here.

Another take was that Jesus was non-violent and actually was showing the model way to perform non-violent resistance, the precursor to civil disobedience. Some Christians who falsely take to violence cite Jesus’ act in the Temple as precedence. But, Jesus was not violent. His actions in the Temple were focused on things not people.

On a side note, I found this reference which discusses the chronological discrepancy between John’s version of the Temple clearing and the other three Gospels. Could it be that there were two Temple cleansings?